This is an ongoing independent research project of Advanced Media Institute. The research team comprises Manos Takas, Scientific Director and researchers: Sofia Iordanidou, Katerina Diamantaki, Dionysis Panos, Kyriakos Kolovos, Georgia Mylordou, Vangelis Plakas, Constantinos Venizelos, Constantinos Grapsas, Giannis Mandalidis, Chrysi Dagoula and Victoria Fontan. The research project includes a series of empirical research studies on aspects of political rhetoric and related rhetorical attack, rendering blame and apology strategies. The researchers utilized analytical tools from the fields of rhetoric, strategic communication, political psychology, social psychology, political science and international relations to answer research questions in the above mentioned fields. The field research was developed between 2015 and 2017 under the title Communication Rhetoric in Greece and Cyprus under the scientific supervision of Athanassios A. Samaras.
- Michail, D., Kapodistria, Α. & Kolovos, Κ. (2019) Rhetorical Attacks as a Tool for Interpreting Technophobia: The Cambridge Analytica scandal and Facebook. Presentation at the 17th Panhellenic Conference of Psychological Research organized by the Hellenic Psychological Society. (Alexandroupolis/Greece, 15-19 May)
- Kapodistria, Α., Michail, D. & Kolovos, Κ. (2019) Natural Disasters as Tools in Processes of Personal Deconstruction: Negative Ethotic Arguments in Political Speech and in Social Media regarding the fire in Mati, Greece. Presentation at the 17th Panhellenic Conference of Psychological Research organized by the Hellenic Psychological Society. (Alexandroupolis/Greece, 15-19 May)
- Diamantaki, K. (2019) The informational sphere in the post-truth era: Information Disorder, fake news, and the need for a deep media literacy. Presentation at the conference Media, Politics, Migration, and Education in the Digital Age του Global Communication Association. (Athens, 12-15 May)
- Minotakis, Α. & Gousis, Κ. (2019) The rise of far right and the political utilization of mass culture. Presentation at the Historical Materialism Athens Conference. (Athens, 2-5 May)
- Diamantaki, Κ & Takas, M. (2019) Frames of Exclusion and Enemization in Golden Dawn’s cyber-rhetoric. Presentation at the 5ο International Conference on Communication and Management. (Athens, 15-18 April)
- Kapodistria, Α., Michail, D. & Kolovos, Κ. (2018) Deconstruction strategies in the American Congress and the Public Sphere: Facebook and the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Presentation at the scientific conference Surveillance Society – From Cybersecurity to Fake News: Media, Messages, Strategies. (Piraeus, 27 November)
- Minotakis, Α. (2018) Lukacs and the Popular Front. Presentation at the 15th annual conference entitled Historical Materialism. (London, 8-11 November)
- Mavrouli, Ε. & Minotakis, Α. (2018) Against the EU: the fight against far right goes through the fight against the EU. Presentation at the 15th annual conference entitled Historical Materialism. (London, 8-11 November)
- Iordanidou, S., Kolovos, Κ. & Takas, Ε. (2018) The Effect of Strategic Communication on the Transformation of Politics in Cyprus. The role of TV Debates in the Emergence of Divisions in Presidential Elections. Presentation at the conference Political History of the Republic of Cyprus after 1974 organized by the Law School of the University of Nicosia. (Nicosia, 12-13 October)
- Iordanidou, S., Kolovos, Κ. & Takas, Ε. (2018) Journalistic Representations of Memorandum Politics. Stances, Oppositions and Challenges in the Cypriot Press. Presentation at the conference Political History of the Republic of Cyprus after 1974 organized by the Law School of the University of Nicosia. (Nicosia, 12-13 October)
- Diamantaki Κ., Takas, Μ. & Panos, D. (2018). Of enemies and us: an analysis of Golden Dawn’s ideological discourse on Twitter. Presentation at the conference Media, Polis, Agora: Journalism & Communication in the digital era organized in the framework of AMIRetreat2018. (Thessaloniki, 27-29 September)
- Avramidis, Ch. & Minotakis, Α. (2018) The coverage of the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn by Greek National Radiotelevision. Presentation at the conference Media, Polis, Agora: Journalism & Communication in the digital era organized in the framework of AMIRetreat2018. (Thessaloniki, 27-29 September)
- Saridomichelaki, M. & Τάκας, E. (2018) Rhetoric Constructs and Voting Behavior: The Case Study of the Presidential Debates in the USA, 2016. Presentation at the conference Media, Polis, Agora: Journalism & Communication in the digital era organized in the framework of AMIRetreat2018. (Thessaloniki, 27-29 September)
- Iordanidou, S., Vatikiotis, L., Suarez, P. & Takas, E. (2018) Journalists’ (Self) Censorship during Memoranda in Greece, Spain and Portugal. Presentation at the conference Media, Polis, Agora: Journalism & Communication in the digital era organized in the framework of AMIRetreat2018. (Thessaloniki, 27-29 September)
- Veraj, M. & Takas, E. (2018) Anti-Islamic Discourse on Facebook. Processes of social identity construction and self-categorization. The case of ‟Anti-Islam alliance” Facebook page. Presentation at the conference Media, Polis, Agora: Journalism & Communication in the digital era organized in the framework of AMIRetreat2018. (Thessaloniki, 27-29 September)
- Kolovos, Κ. & Iordanidou, S. (2018) The Use of Ad Hominem Arguments in a hybrid, symbolic environment. Trump’s aggressiveness via Twitter as apotential transformation of Diplomacy. Presentation at the conference Media, Polis, Agora: Journalism & Communication in the digital era organized in the framework of AMIRetreat2018. (Thessaloniki, 27-29 September)
- Diamantaki Κ., Takas, M. & Panos, D. (2018). Socially-mediated right-wing populism: A study of Golden Dawn’s political discourse on Twitter. Presentation at the 2nd international conference “Europe in Discourse: Agendas of Reform” (Athens, 21-23 September)
- Panos, D., Takas, E., Diamantaki, K., Iordanidou, Σ. & Tsene, L. (2018) Shaping Public Opinion? Journalistic Perceptions regarding Public, Voting Behavior and Media Effects in Greece and Cyprus. Presentation at the 71st International Conference of World Association for Public Opinion. (Marrakesh, 27-30 June)
- Diamantaki, K., Takas, E. & Panos, D. (2018) Socially-mediated Right-wing Populism: an Analysis of Golden Dawn’s Cyber-Rhetoric and its Politics of Online Visibility. Presentation at the 71st International Conference of World Association for Public Opinion. (Marrakesh, 27-30 June)
- Kolovos, Κ. & Michail, D. (2018) Consumer Hostility and Turkish Foreign Policy: Comparative Analysis of Reactions from Greeks, Cypriots and Kurds. Research presentation at the International Conference on International Business organized by the University of Macedonia. (Thessaloniki, 18-21 May)
- Minotakis, Α. & Mavrouli, Ε. (2018) For a radical re-examination of the discussion about democratic shortcut in the European Union. Presentation at the 11th Conference of the Hellenic Society of Political Science. (Athens, 19-20 April)
- Kolovos, Κ. (2017) Using “Fake News” to construct Ad Hominem arguments. Presentation at the conference of the Network for the Analysis of Political Speech of the Hellenic Society of Political Science. (Athens, 15 December)
- Kolovos, Κ. & Takas, Ε. (2017) Redelimiting the Stakes of Brexit in the English Election of 2017: Throwback or Lock-in on a Hard Decision? Presentation at the annual conference of the Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, University of Piraeus. (Athens, 14 December)
- Minotakis, Α. (2017) The leninism of Lukacs; the revolutionary Realpolitik as an escape route from the leftist version of TINA. Presentation at the 14th annual conference Historical Materialism. (London, 9-12 November)
- Mavrouli, Ε. & Minotakis, Α. (2017) Yesterday it was too early, tomorrow will be too late. Objective conditions and subjective factors, a dialectic relation. Presentation at the International Conference on Russian Revolution Centenary: Reflections on the 21st Century. (Corinth/Greece, 26-29 October)
- Diamantaki, K. (2017). Strategic and Rhetorical Framing of Facebook’s Role as a Public Entity. Presentation at the international conference Journalism, Society and Politics in the Digital Media Era organized by the Advanced Media Institute (Limassol/Cyprus, 1-3 September)
- Kolovos, K. (2017) Tweets Framing and the Cyprus Issue. Presentation at the International Conference Journalism, Society and Politics in the Digital Media Era, οrganized by Advanced Media Institute. (Limassol, 1-3 September)
- Minotakis, Α. (2017) There are no dead ends in the class struggle; Lukacs against ΤΙΝΑ. Presentation at the conference The Legacy of Georg Lukács. (Budapest, 27-29 April)
- Takas, E. & Iordanidou, S. (2017) Europe, Institutions and Leaders as Metaphors in the Greek Press. Presentation at the 3rd International Conference on Communication and Management. (Athens, 24-27 April)
- Iordanidou, S., Fouska, D., Koutsotheodorou, M., Takas, Ε (2017). “Antisystemic”, “Extremist”, “Unsuitable”. Labelling Processes in the Greek Press regarding Donald Trump”. Presentation at the 2nd International Conference “The Right of Freedom of Expression in the Digital Age” organized by The Mass Media Institute, The University of Nicosia’s Department of Communication and the Cyprus Radio Television Authority (Nicosia, April 3-4).
- Samaras, Ath. Ν. & Kolovos, K. (2017) Quantifying the Ad Hominem Argument in Parliamentary Discussions: A Methodological Approach. Presentation at the international conference Character Assasination in Theory and Practice, οrganized by George Mason University. (Arlington, VA/USA, 2-5 March)
- Kolovos, K. (2016). Personal Attacks during the Televised Debates – Cyprus Presidential Elections. Presentation at the Conference Refugee Crisis and Brexit: Political Rhetoric, Mass Media and Images of Nations organized by the Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus. (Piraeus, 20 October).
- Mylordou, G. (2016). Rhetorical Attacks during Cyprus Presidential Elections. Presentation at the Conference: Refugee Crisis and Brexit: Political Rhetoric, Mass Media and Images of Nations organized by the Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus. (Piraeus, 20 October).
- Kolovos, K. & Iordanidou, S. (2016). “The Employment of Negative and Positive Ethotic Arguments, Related With Financial Crisis, During Televised Presidential Debates for the 2013 Elections in Cyprus”. Presentation at the 24th World Congress of Political Science organized by the International Political Science Association, IPSA. (Poznan/Poland, 23-28 July).
- Takas, E., Samaras, Ath. N. & Aspriadis N. (2016). Who’s to Blame? Attribution Processes and the Rhetoric of Blame during the Parliamentary Discussion on the Third Memorandum in Greece” Presentation at the 24th World Congress of Political Science, organized by the International Political Science Association, IPSA. (Poznan/Poland, July 23-28).
- Kolovos, K. & Iordanidou, S. (2016). Negative and Positive Ethotic Arguments about the Financial Crisis during the Presidential Debates and their Practical Implementations: Foreword of the Coming Crisis or Public Speech in the Land of the Lotus Eaters? Presentation at the conference The March that Changed Cyprus organized by the University of Nicosia. (Nicosia, 7-8 April).
- Samaras, Ath. N. & Iordanidou, S., (2016) “The Impact of Foreign Policy News upon the Representation of Turkey in the Press: Conflict, Strategy and Projections of Power”. Paper presented at the conference “Turkey: Strategic Issues”, organized by the Turkish and Eurasian Studies Laboratory, University of Piraeus. (Piraeus, March 30).
- Takas, E. & Samaras, Ath. N. (2015). Attribution Theory in Strategic Political Communication: A Systematic Analysis of Attributions of Causality in Parliamentary Discourse Regarding the third Memorandum in Greece. Presentation at the 10th Panhellenic Conference of Social Psychology. (Palaiokerasia, Fthiotida/Greece, 10-13 December).
- Skevi, Ε. & Samaras, Ath. N., (2015). A True Apology? Image Restoration Strategies and Apologetic Discourse Employed by SYRISA for the Flip-Flop on the EMU issue. Research presented at the scientific conference Strategic Communication and the News Media in Political Campaigns and International Relations organized by the Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 10 November).
- Takas, E. & Samaras, Ath. Ν. (2015). The Rhetoric of Blame for the Greek Financial Crisis and Parliamentary Discussions. Presentation at the International Conference Narratives of the Crisis: Myths and Realities organized by University of Macedonia. (Thessaloniki, 24-26 June).
- Kolovos, K. & Samaras, Ath. N. (2015). Ad Hominem Arguments in Cyprus during 2013 Presidential Campaign: Analysis of Televised Presidential Debates. Presentation at the 13th Annual International Conference on Communication and Mass Media of ATINER. (Athens, 11-14 May).
- Takas, E. & Samaras, Ath. Ν. (2015). Strategic Framing and Attribution of Blame during the Parliamentary Discussions on the Memorandum ΙΙ in Greece. Presentation at the 13th Annual International Conference on Communication and Mass Media of ATINER. (Athens, 11-14 May).
- Kaimaki, V. (2015) Twitter and its Emergence in the Public Sphere: Upgrading Democracy or Reviving Propaganda? Presentation at the conference Media, Communication System and Sustainable Development organized by the Panteion University. (Athens, 8 May)
- Kolovos, K. & Samaras, Ath. N. (2015). Past Campaigns Triggers Present Attacks: The Impact of the 2004 Annan Plan Campaign Upon the Use of ad Hominem Arguments During the 2013 Presidential Elections in Cyprus. Presentation at the Annual Conference of Political Studies Association (PSA). (Sheffield/UK, 29 March – 1 April).
- Samaras, Ath. N. & Takas, E. (2015). Attribution Processes and the Rhetoric of Blame During the Parliamentary Discussion on the Confidence Vote in Greece”. Presentation at the Annual Conference of Political Studies Association (PSA). (Sheffield/UK, 29 March – 1 April)
- Kolovos, Κ. & Dorotheou, D. (2013) The rise of far right movements in Greece and France: Golden Dawn and the National Front. Presentation at the ΑΜΙRetreat2013. (Agros/Cyprus, 4-6 October)
- Kolovos, K., Venizelos, C., Takas, E. & Iordanidou, S. (2019). “Evaluating and constructing the “friend” in crisis. Mediated depictions of Russia in the newspapers of Cyprus”. Journal of Law and Administration (Pravo I Upravlenie XXI vek) published by MGIMO University, Russia, pp. 4-16.
- Diamantaki, Κ., Papageorgopoulou, P., Charitos, D. & Rizopoulos, Ch. (2018) Social experiences in virtual environments: a study into an emerging socio-technological phenomenon. AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research 2018.
- Mavrouli, Ε. & Minotakis, Α. (2018) Yesterday it was too early, tomorrow will be too late. Objective conditions and subjective factors, a dialectic relation, Utopia, issue 124
- Kolovos, Κ. (2018) Digital diplomacy as a power factor: the use of Twitter in the Greek and Turkish foreign policy with the Cyprus issue at the epicenter. Ethniki Froura and Istoria journal, issue 40, pp. 82-91 <>
- Avramidis, Ch. & Minotakis, Α. (2017) Infantilizing the refugees as a means of political domination: the case of the ERT’s news bulletins in Arabic. Belgrade Journal of Media and Communications, issue 12
- Skevi, E & Samaras, Ath. N. (2017). Image Restoration Strategies and Apologia, due to Greece’s EMU Engagement, in the Pre-Election Campaign of January 2015. The Case of PASOK and KIDISO. In Ch. Konstantopoulou (ed.) Narrations of Crisis, Myths and Realities of the Modern Society. Athens: Papazisis Editions.
- Kolovos, Κ. (2017) Social Media and Information Security: The case of the American Army. Ethniki Froura and Istoria journal, issue 39, pp. 116-129 <>
- Kolovos, Κ. & Dorotheou, D. (2017) The “international aspect” of the Cyprus issue through Twitter. Dimosiografia journal – The Greek edition of Columbia Journalism Review, issue 14, pp. 56-61
- Kolovos, K. (2016). The Phenomenon of Electoral Abstention. The Case of Cyprus’ Parliamentary Elections of 2016. Dimosiografia journal – the Greek edition of the Columbia Journalism Review, issue 11, pp.39-44.
- Takas, E. & Samaras, Ath. N. (2015). Legitimation and De-legitimation Processes of Memorandum II in Greece: Facets of Strategic Framing in Greek Parliamentary Discourse. French Journal for Media Research, 5. http://
- Takas, E. & Samaras Ath. N. (2015). Attribution Processes and the Rhetoric of Blame during the Parliamentary Discussion on the second Memorandum in Greece. Dimosiografia journal – the Greek edition of the Columbia Journalism Review, issue 8-9, pp.26-33.
- Panayiotakis, M. (2015) The Radical Left in Greece, Socialism and Democracy. Socialism and Democracy, Vol.29, No. 3, pp. 25-43 <>
- Dagoula, C., (2018) Online research and Digital Ethnography. Invited lecture for the module Research Methods (BA), Sheffield Hallam University. (Sheffield/UK)
- Dagoula, C., (2017) Social Sciences in a global, national and local context. Seminar for a group of 30 school students, The University of Sheffield. (Sheffield/UK)
- Dagoula, C., (2017) Digital Public Sphere(s) and the new political arenas in digital environments. Invited lecture for the module Online Journalism Studies (MA), The University of Sheffield. (Sheffield/UK, 22 February)
- Panayiotakis, Μ. (2015) The dictation against the Greek government as a demonstration of real power relations. Presentation at the seminar organized by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung in collaboration with the ATTAC Network: Left strategies for the future of Europe following the dictates against Greece. Saint Denis. (Paris, 23 October)
- Panayiotakis, Μ. (2015) Alternatives for Europe and the world. Presentation at an open day of the International Society For Information Studies. (Vienna, 6 June)
- Panayiotakis, Μ. (2014) Social Media and Political Campaigning. Workshop European Left University, Werbellinsee. (Germany, 26 July)
- Panayiotakis, M. (2014) The Left and Peer Production: Observations and Questions for a Convergence. Presentation at the event of Nikos Poulantzas Institute Knowledge in the Labyrinth of the Digital Era, organized in the framework of the ‘Error 404 – democracy not found’ events. (Athens, 8 April)
- Panayiotakis, M. (2013) Politics, Public Speech and social Media. In the framework of a discussion event of Biblioteque publications: Public Speech and Crisis (Athens, 12 October).