Ongoing multifocal project, whose purpose is to contribute to the two interrelated fields of “Education Communication” and “Media Literacy,” by exploring the relationship of the field of Education to the fields of Media and Communication. Project managers: Lida Tsene & Sofia Papadimitriou. Participating Sofia Iordanidou, Lina P. Valsamidou, Valia Kaimaki, Vassilis Petras and Christina Linardaki.
- Tsene, L., Valsamidou, L. P. & Linardaki, Ch. (2019) Do news matter? A survey on how Greek teenagers relate to (fake) news. Presentation at Children’s Online Worlds, Digital Media and Digital Literacy. (Athens 24-25 May 2019)
- Papadimitriou, S. & Valsamidou, L. P. (2019) Education in Communication in the 21st century school: Student creations “40 years of Educational Radio and Television”. Presentation at the 4th Panhellenic conference Education in the 21st century: School and Culture. (Athens, 10-12 May 2019)
- Iordanidou, S., Tsene, L., Teaching Monthly Programming in the Age of Digital Communication and Fake News. Presentation at the Conference “Business Society – From Government Security to Fake News: Media, Messages, Strategies”, Strategic Communication and Media Laboratory, University of Piraeus, November 27, 2018.
- Papadimitriou, S. (2018) Good Practices of Using Audiovisual Media in Online Learning Environments. Presentation at the Conference Media, Polis, Agora: Journalism & Communication in the Digital Era organized by the Advanced Media Institute, the Postgraduate Program ‘Communication and New Journalism’ of OUC, the Laboratoire d’ Études et de Recherches Appliquées en Sciences Sociales of L’ Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier, and the Secretariat General for Media & Communication, in the framework of AMIRetreat2018 (Thessaloniki, 27-29 September)
- Valsamidou, L. P.(2018) Literacy, multiliteracies, Media & News Literacy: terms, definitions and conceptual clarifications. Presentation at the Conference Media, Polis, Agora: Journalism & Communication in the Digital Era organized in the framework of AMIRetreat2018. (Thessaloniki 27-29 September)
- Iordanidou, S. (2017). «Possibilities and prospects of Digital Litercy: A dynamically evolving field”. Presentation at the conference “Education and new Media. Possibilities and Limitations for the Child and the Citizen” organized by Xenios Polis, Unicef and Advanced Media institute (Athens, October 6)
- Samaras, Ath.N. and Takas E. (2016). The Inductive Method: An Approach for the Teaching – a Strategy for the Daily Life. Laboratory of methodology in #RetreatConference2016 Digital journalism: solution to the media crisis? co-organized by the Postgraduate Program “Communication and New Journalism” OUC, Advanced Media Institute and Secretariat General of Information & Communication. (Athens, 23-25 September)
- Avramidis, Ch. (2016) Autonomy in the work of Jean Jacques Rousseau and Alexander Sutherland Niel. Presentation at the 6th conference of Critical Pedagogy (London, 10-13 August)
- Samaras, Ath. N. and Takas E. (2016). The Inductive Method: An Approach for the Teaching – a Strategy for the Daily Life. Laboratory of methodology in #RetreatConference2016 Digital journalism: solution to the media crisis? co-organized by the Postgraduate Programme “Communication and New Journalism” OUC, Advanced Media Institute and Secretariat General of Information & Communication. (Athens, 23-25 September).
- Samaras, Ath. N., Papagjanni, N. and Aspriadis, N. (2016). Strategies for Diffusing the Ad Hominem Argument– Applications in the Daily and Professional Life. Presentation at the conference The Creative Discourse in Education co-organized by the Laboratory of Applied Linguistics and Study of Literature and Oratory (EKPA) and the Laboratory of Strategic Communication and Media. D.E.S. – University of Piraeus. (Athens, 27-29 June).
- Valsamidou, L.P. (2016). Time for Advertisements”: Children as Producers of Audiovisual Advertisements. Presentation at the first Panhellenic Scientific Conference with International Participation Audiovisual Literacy in Education organized by the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia & the School of Film Studies, Faculty of Fine Arts, A (Thessaloniki, 24-26 June).
- Zarintas, A. (2016). Audiovisual Education and Popular Culture: Case Study of Well-known TV Novel. Presentation at the 1st Panhellenic Scientific Conference with International Participation Audiovisual Literacy in Education co-organized by the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia & the School of Film Studies, Faculty of Fine Arts of AUTH, (Thessaloniki, 24-26 June).
- Petras, V. (2016). Technology and Teachers. Presentation at the 1st Panhellenic Scientific Conference with International Participation Audiovisual Literacy in Education organized by the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia & the School of Film Studies, Faculty of Fine Arts of AUTH, (Thessaloniki, 24-26 June).
- Papadimitriou, S. (2016). Students’ Video Contests of the Educational Radiotelevision 2.0: An assessment of the period 2011-2016. Presentation at the 1st Greek Scientific Conference with International Participation Audiovisual Literacy in Education organized by the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia & the School of Film Studies, Faculty of Fine Arts of AUTH (Thessaloniki, 24-26 June).
- Iordanidou, S. (2016). From “Education Communication” to “Digital Literacy”. The effect of Technological Determinism on the Process of Transforming the Combination of the fields of Communication with Education Sciences. Presentation at the 1st Panhellenic Scientific Conference with International Participation Audiovisual Literacy in Education organized by the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia & the School of Film Studies, Faculty of Fine Arts of AUTH (Thessaloniki, 24-26 June).
- Papadimitriou, S. (2016). “Media Literacy: Good Practices and Emerging Challenges to the Education of 21stCentury”. Presentation at the “Pan-Hellenic Conference New Teacher organized by the Scientific Association “New Teacher”. (Athens, 16-17 April), available at\
- Petras, V. & Chatzithomas, L. (2016). Technological Pedagogical Knowledge of Content: a Theoretical Frame for the inclusion of ICT in Education. Presentation at the conference Epistemological and Methodological Questions of Education Science organized by the Philosophical Sector of AUTH. (Thessaloniki, 18-20 March).
- Samaras, Ath. N. & Dimitriou, Μ. (2015). The State-Mapping Code Book: Presentation of the Taxonomies and Their Instrumentality in Hypothesis Formulation. Research workshop at the conference CreteRetreat2015: Destination Branding and Travel Journalism, co-organized by the Postgraduate Program “Communication and New Journalism” OUC and the Advanced Media Institute. (Heraklion, 2-4 October).
- Petras, V. & Chatzithomas, L. (2015). Teaching with Technology: Investigation of Technological Pedagogical Knowledge of Content. Presentation at the 2nd International Conference “Reimagining Schools…” organized by University of Macedonia. (Thessaloniki, 24-26 September).
- Tsene, L. & Diamantopoulos, K. (2015). Financial Crisis in Greece as an Active Variable in Cyber Bullying via Facebook. A Qualitative Study on Perceptions and Behaviors of Middle Education Students and Teachers. Presentation at the Annual conference of ATINER. (Athens, 11–14 May).
- Avramidis, Ch. (2014). Critical Education in Roma children. Presentation at the 5th conference of critical Education. (Thessaloniki, 23-26 June)
- Kaimaki, V. & Panagopoulos, A. (2014). Most Optimal Practices in the Scientific Communication: Case Study: the Show Infocafe of the First Program of Greek Broadcasting Corporation. Oral presentation at the conference In & Out from the laboratory: Science and Technology in the Public Era organized by AUTH (Thessaloniki, 14-15 March).
- Tsene, L. (2011). Using Comics’ Storytelling to Engage Innovation and Creativity Networks Inside and Outside Classrooms. Presentation at the 1st International Conference of Semiotics and Visual Communication: From Theory to Practice organized by the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts of CUT. (Limassol, 25-27 November).
- Petras, V. (2019) The step before Media Literacy. Dimosiografia journal – The Greek edition of Columbia Journalism Review, issue 19, pp. 22-25.
- Tsene, L. (2019) Storytelling to Engage Innovation and Transform Education: The ‟Writing with Pictures” Case. Book chapter in D. Seelow (ed.), Lessons Drawn. Essays on the Pedagogy of Comics and Graphic Novels, McFarland Publications.
- Valsamidou, L.P. (2019) Literacy, Multiliteracies, Media Literacy and News Literacy. Dimosiografia journal – The Greek edition of Columbia Journalism Review, issue 19, pp.14-17
- Valsamidou, L.P. (2019) Means of Communication and Modern School: Media Literacy and News Literacy. Neos Pedagogos journal, issue 10, pp. 65-72. (Athens: e-Protovathmia publications)
- Iordanidou, S., Papadimitriou, S. and Valsamidou, P. (2018). Media Literacy: In Search of its Concept and Function. Edited by S. Iordanidou & S. Papadimitriou. Athens: Metamesonykties Publications & Advanced Media Institute.
- Iordanidou, S. (2018). “In-depth: Reflection on Media Planning in the Perspective of Communication Education”, In Iordanidou, S. Papadimitriou, S. and Valsamidou, P. (Issue), Media Literacy: In Search of its Concept and Function, Athens: Metamesonykties Publications & Advanced Media Institute.
- Linardaki, Ch. (2018) Shall we Instagram? Teenagers and social networking sites. Dimosiografia journal – The Greek edition of Columbia Journalism Review, issue 18, pp.15-18
- Tsene, L. (2018) Cool comics on media literacy. Book chapter in S. Iordanidou and S. Papadimitriou (eds.) Media Literacy, Athens: Metamesonykties Editions, Advanced Media Institute.
- Valsamidou, L. P. (2018) Education in Communication as a precursor of Education for Media Literacy: Historical roots, research fields, forced necessities in S. Iordanidou, S. Papadimitriou & L. P. Valsamidou (eds.) Media Literacy, Athens: Metamesonykties Editions, Advanced Media Institute, pp.197-210
- Papadimitriou, S. (2018) School competition videos of educational radiotelevision 2.0: Evaluation of the period 2011-2016 in S. Iordanidou, S. Papadimitriou & L. P. Valsamidou (eds.) Media Literacy. Athens: Metamesonykties Editions, Advanced Media Institute.
- Nikolaidou, S. (2017). Laboratory of Creative Writing: “Kardassi, Bring one Koutsomoures”. Thessaloniki in Literature: Journalistic Cliché and the Author’s Sight. In S. Iordanidou (ed.) Management and Constitution of Place Icon: From Place Branding to Travel Journalism. Athens: Metamesonykties Ekdoseis & Advanced Media Institute.
- Tsakarestou, B. & Tsene, L. (2017). Laboratory of Co-Creating and Design thinking: Building a Strategy for Destination Branding. In S. Iordanidou (ed.) Management and Constitution of Place Icon: From Place Branding to Travel Journalism. Athens: Metamesonykties Ekdoseis & Advanced Media.
- Iordanidou, S. & Papadimitriou, S. (2016). Media Education and Digital Literacy: Researching the Integration of the Disciplines ‘Communication and Media’ with ‘Studies in Education’. A theoretical framework and the development of the Curriculum. In A.Th. Kontakos & P.I. Stamatis (ed.), Theories and Models of Communication in Education. Athens: Diadrasis Publications.
- Samaras, Ath. N. & Iordanidou, S. (2016). Exploring the Educational Capacity of Causal Inference in the Teaching of Media Theory: A Case Study Analysis of CNN-Effect. Related Theories. In A.Th. Kontakos & P.I. Stamatis (eds), Theories and Models of Communication in Education. Athens: Diadrasis Publications.
- Papadimitriou, S. (2016). Media Literacy: Approaching the School of 21st Century. In the Proceedings of the 1st Pan-Hellenic Conference Programs of Study – School handbooks: From the past in the present and the future. Athens, 2016.
- Τsalagiorgou, E.I., Melliou, K., Valsamidou, L.P. (2016). Design and Development of Digital Teaching Scenarios in Early Childhood Education: The Case of the Digital Platform “Aesop”. Sciences of Education, issue 2/2016, pp. 65-94.
- Papadimitriou, S. (2015). Open Educational Resources in Higher Education. In the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Preschool Education (Ioannina, 2015).
- Papadimitriou, S. (2015). Media and Learning: the Greek Case. In the Proceedings of the 8th Conference Innovation and Research in the Open and Distance Education and in the Information and Communication Technologies, vol. 8. no. 1A (2015). < article/view/22/15>
- Papadimitriou, S. (2015) Training Teachers in Media Literacy: Conclusions from the Workshops in the framework of the MEDEAnet Project in Greece in the Proceedings of the 8th Conference Innovation and Research in the Open and Distance Education and in the Information and Communication Technologies, vol. 8. no. 1A (2015) <>
- Valsamidou, L. P. (2014) The Use of ICTs in the Creation of a School Newspaper in a Kindergarten Classroom: Examples of Incorporating Technology in Ath. N. Samaras. E. Kousoglou, I. Salonikidis, N. Tzimopoulos (eds) Taking advantage of ICT in the teaching practice. Proceedings of the 3rd Panhellenic Educational Conference of Imathia, pp. 347-355 <>
- Papadimitriou, S. (2013) Open Educational Resources and Practices Unfold a Brand New World Towards an Open Higher Education”. In Open Education 2030 Contribution to the JRC-IPTS Call for Vision Papers Part III: Higher Education < v%204_author%20revised_OK.pdf>
- Valsamidou, L. P. (2013) Visual social publications in the newspapers of Greek primary schools: A semiotic analysis. Journal of Sociological Research, 4(2), pp. 71-85
- Papadimitriou, S. (2012). “Greek Teachers’ Professional Development and the Pilot Implementation in Schools of the EduTubePlus Project” in the scientific “ETAS Journal” (English Teachers’ Association of Switzerland) “Crossing Borders: Linking cultures, sharing expertise, Voices from Greece” Vol. 30 no 1 Winter 2012.
- Valsamidou, L.P. & Kyridis, A. (2012) Students in the Role of Journalists: School Newspaper Publications about the Mass Media στο Journal of Studies in Education, 2(2), σσ. 10-29
- Valsamidou, L.P., Kyridis, Α. & Vamvakidou, Ι. (2011) Multimodality in the titles of School Newspapers in M. Α. Pourkos & Ε. Katsarou (eds.) Experience, Metaphor and Multimodality: Applications in Communication, Education, Learning and Knowledge (Thessaloniki: Nisides Publications) pp. 381-402
- Valsamidou, L.P. (2011) Literacy and Education in the Media: Terms, definitions, aims and content in i – Teacher, issue 2, pp. 117-126
- Valsamidou, L.P., Vamvakidou, I. & Alevriadou, A. (2011) Representations of Disability in Greek School Newspapers: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in Review of European Studies, 3(2), pp. 10-21
- Valsamidou, L. P. (2011) School Newspapers: Social publications about Education, School Life and Childhood. Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Conference of Education Sciences, 27-30 May 2010, Athens: Pedagogical Faculty of Primary School Education – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, vol. C, pp. 278-286
- Papadimitriou, S. (2011). The role of Educational Radiotelevision in Supporting School Education in the Internet Era. In A. Lionarakis (ed.) Open Education – The Journal for Open and Distance Education and Educational Technology, vol. 7, Number 2, 2011 Section one. Open Education ISSN: 1791-9312 < openjournal/article/view/9780>
- Valsamidou, L. P. (2010) I learn how to learn and school newspapers of Greek primary schools: articles on history, culture, society and politics in the Proceedings of the Hellenic Institute of Applied Pedagogy and Education, 5th Panhellenic Conference entitled I Learn how to learn, 7-9 May 2010, pp. 1-10
- Valsamidou, L. P. (2010) Mass Media and Preschool Education: Newspapers in Kindergarten. Proceedings of the 2nd International Preschool Education Conference entitled Contemporary trends and prospects in Preschool Education of the 21st century, vol. B, pp. 322-336
- Valsamidou, L. P. (2010) Use of P/Cs and the Internet in the Class of the Greek Public Kindergarten: An Exploration of the Views and the Experience of Teachers in i-Teacher, issue 1, pp. 111-123
- Dinas, Κ. & Valsamidou, L. P. (2010) We welcome you to the Site of our Kindergarten… enjoy your navigation! A study of the sites of Greek public kindergartens in G. Salonikidis (ed.) Digital and Internet Applications in Education, proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Educational Conference of Imathia, p. 423-436
- Valsamidou, L.P. & Kyridis, Α. (2009) Big Athletes, Big Games and Little Journalists. Sports in the columns of School Newspapers. Modern Education, issue 158, pp. 71-87
- Valsamidou, L.P. & Makrogiorgos, V. (2009) “Television”: Presentation of a Interdisciplinary Educational Software for the Higher Grades of Primary School in P. Politis (ed.) Incorporation & Use of IT & Communication Technologies in the Educational Process, proceedings of the 1st Educational Seminar, (Volos/Greece: University of Thessaly) pp. 731-736
- Kolovos, K. (2019) The “constructed” reality, the position and the role of media in today’s society, media literacy, fake news and the responsibility of young people in their civic capacity. Series of lectures to students of the 2nd Lyceum of Paralimni (Paralimni, 29 October – 1 November)
- Iordanidou, S. (2019) Media Literacy for Journalists. Speech at the Faculty of Journalism of the American University of Beirut. (Beirut, 1 April)
- Iordanidou, S. (2019) Presentation of the collective volume Media Literacy (Cyprus: Advanced Media Institute and Metamesonykties Ekdoseis, 2018) Co-organization: ΕΚΟΜΕ and Advanced Media Institute. (Athens, 26 March)
- Papadimitriou, S. (2019) Presentation of the collective Media Literacy (Cyprus: Advanced Media Institute and Metamesonykties Ekdoseis, 2018) Co-organization: ΕΚΟΜΕ and Advanced Media Institute. (Athens, 26 March)
- Kolovos, Κ. & Valsamidou, L. P. (2019) Literacy in the new and traditional Media. Speech to high school students in the framework of a seminar for the training of teachers. (Deryneia/Cyprus, 7 March)
- Mylordou, G. (2019) Utilisation of digital games in the teaching of mathematical concepts – Introduction of educational robotics. Presentation at the 5th Pancypriot Competion Science on Stage Κύπρος organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The paper won first prize and will represent Cyprus in the European festival ‘Science on Stage Europe’ which will take place in Cascais, Portugal, between 31 October and 4 November 2019. (Pegeia/Cuprus, 24 February)
- Mylordou, G. (2018) Participation in a brief exchange of students and teachers και εκπαιδευτικών in Mala Subotica (Croatia) in the framework of the participation of a Greek school to Erasmus+ programme entitled Tracing our Cultural Heritage. (Croatia, 11-15 December)
- Kolovos, Κ. & Valsamidou, L.P. (2018) Digital literacy and traps in the Social Networking Sies. Speech to high school students in the framework of a seminar for the training of teachers. (Paralimni/Cyprus, 12 December)
- Kaimaki, V. & Valsamidou, L.P. (2017) Media literacy, the Greek case. Presentation at the open day Education and new Media. Possibilities and limitations on children and citizens. Secreteriat General of Information and Communication. (Athens, 6 October)
- Dagoula, C. (2016) Technological challenges to media and journalism. Invited lecture for the module Introducing Journalism Studies (BA), The University of Sheffield. (Sheffield, 29 November)
- Zarintas, Α. (2016) Education in the Media. Teaching practices of Media literacy. Presentation at the scientific open day Education in the Media organized by the Independent Movement of Primary School and Kindergarten Teachers (Larnaca, 26 November)
- Samaras, Αth. Ν., Papagianni, Ν. & Aspriadis, Ν. (2016) Refutation of Assaults against Ethos – Applications in Everyday and Working Life. Presentation at the conference Creative Speech in Education organized by the Applied Linguistics & Literature Study and Rhetorics Laboratory (NKUA) in collaboration with the Strategic Communication and Information Media Laboratory (University of Piraeus) (Athens, 27-29 June)
- Tsene, L. (2016) Comics in education: creativity and literacy skills. Speech at the Pedagogic Society of Cyprus – Team for the Research and Teaching in Language and Literacy. (Nicosia, 21 April)
- Kaimaki, V. (2016) Τhe Media in and out of school. Presentation at the 3rd festival of school radio co-organized by the Department of Educational Radiotelevision, the Ministry of Education, the European School Radio Scientific Society, the first School Radio and the OPANDA – Technopolis of he Municipality of Athens (Technopolis/Athens, 18 April)
- Papadimitriou, S. (2016) Τhe Media in and out of school. Presentation at the 3rd festival of school radio co-organized by the Department of Educational Radiotelevision, the Ministry of Education, the European School Radio Scientific Society, the first School Radio and the OPANDA – Technopolis of he Municipality of Athens (Technopolis/Athens, 18 April)
- Iordanidou, S. (2016) Journalism in Radio and the Values of Reporting. Presentation at the 3rd festival of school radio co-organized by the Department of Educational Radiotelevision, the Ministry of Education, the European School Radio Scientific Society, the first School Radio and the OPANDA – Technopolis of the Municipality of Athens (Technopolis/Athens, 18 April)
- Iordanidou, S. (2016) Regarding credibility of journalism. Intervention in the 3rd Panhellenic Festival of School Radio co-organized by the Department of Educational Radiotelevision, the Ministry of Education, the European School Radio Scientific Society, the first School Radio and the OPANDA – Technopolis of the Municipality of Athens (Technopolis/Athens, 18 April)
- Zarintas, Α. (2016) Education in Media in the International Area and Cyprus. Presentation at the scientific open day Communication and Education organized by the Independent Movement of Primary Schools and Kindergarten Teachers (Larnaca/Cyprus, 18 March)
- Iordanidou, S. (2016) Forms and Media of Communication in the Modern School. Presentation at the scientific open day Communication and Education organized by the Independent Movement of Primary Schools and Kindergarten Teachers (Larnaca/Cyprus, 18 March)
- Iordanidou, S. (2016) The relation of Communication and Media in the Modern School, through the scientific field “Communication in Education”. Presentation at the scientific open day Communication and Education organized by the Independent Movement of Primary Schools and Kindergarten Teachers (Larnaca/Cyprus, 18 March)