"Traces", a documentary on the torturous fate of the missing persons of the 1974 invasion of Cyprus.
“Τraces” is a documentary, produced by Advanced Media Institute, investigating the issue of 1974 Missing Persons as an issue that is an open wound for the Republic of Cyprus from the point of view of the international law, legal order and human cost.
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Screening of Traces documentary at the European Parliament
After a year of successful screenings in cities and schools of Cyprus, Greece and other countries, the awarded in London and Chalkida Festivals documentary Traces, a production of the Advanced Media Institute, is reaching one of the most important stops of its journey. Invited by the Cypriot member of European Parliament, Dimitris Papadakis,
“Traces” was screened at the European Parliament in Brussels, on 13 November, 2019.
“Traces” found themselves in the heart of Europe with the aim to raise a discussion, at the European and the international level, on the role of International Law and Human Rights; the triggering point is the missing persons of the Turkish iilegal invasion in Cyprus in 1974.