The Board
AMI’s Chair, Associate Professor of Journalism and Communication in OUC, journalist
Practising Advocate, Professor of Law and Head of the Law Department of the University of Nicosia
Journalist, Counsellor for cases regarding the EU, Metmesonichties Ekdoseis
Business Development & Corporate Affairs Director στην V+O Greece
Ιnstructor in the fields of Communication, Methodology of Research, Political Sciences and Sociology
Scientific Committee
Ιnstructor in the fields of Communication, Methodology of Research, Political Sciences and Sociology
Assistant Professor - Dpt of Communication & Internet Studies, Cyprus University of Technology
Assistant Professor in Communication and Media at Deree-The American College of Greece. Instructor in the field of Communication & Media at OUC.
Associate Professor of Media – University of Toulouse/France & member of LERASS
Assistant professor at the Centre for Media and Journalism Studies at the University of Groningen/UK
Head of the Department of Journalism and Media at Nottingham Trent University/UK
Dean of the Faculty and Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at the American University of Afghanistan
Associate Professor in the Media and Cultural Studies Program at Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Senior Lecture in Journalism at Bournemouth
Instructor of Communication at the OUC, Director in Comicdom Press, founder of Athens Comics Library
Head of the Educational Radiotelevision and Digital Media Ministry of Education, Research & RA - Greece Tutor- Councelor, Hellenic Open University
Economist, Researcher
Director of Machine Learning in
Journalism Editing Team
AMI’s Chair, Associate Professor of Journalism and Communication in OUC, journalist
Journalist, Counsellor for cases regarding the EU, Metmesonichties Ekdoseis
Journalist – Analyst with specialty on economy and foreign affairs, instructor of Journalism in OUC
Journalist, teaches as Associate Professor at Universities in Cyprus, author
Journalist, Information Architect and Project Manager in Web Development, blogger
Journalist specializing in international news, editor-in-chief of the website TO PERIODIKO
Journalist, Digital Media Director of Parapolitika Group/Greece
Journalist, Marketing & Communications for tech.
Producers and Managers of "Theory" and "Practice"
Content writer, translator
Responsible for OUC’s international collaboration and international relations and participation in EU-funded programmes.
Translator, editor and copyeditor of texts, content writer, researcher
Communication and Public Relations manager in the private sector
Journalist in printed and electronic Media
Communication Advisor, Social Media manager
Production coordinator in filming
Mathematician at secondary education, PhD candidate at OUC
Journalist, TV producer, teacher, PhD candidate at OUC
PhD candidate at OUC, owner of a vegan farm
Journalist in printed and electronic Media
Media and Communication Professional
Economist, Photoreporter
Journalist, member of ESPIT (Periodical and Electronic Press Union)
Hellenic Air Force's Officer, now serving at the European External Action Service
Financial Officer in the European Commission
Academic and business research in areas of her expertise, financial coordinator at “Ecole Franco-chypriote”
Content writer, Researcher
Communication advisor of several theatrical, musical and other specialized projects
Communication and Public Relations manager in the private sector
Journalist at “Patris” newspaper (digital & hardcopy) of Pyrgos/Greece
Journalist, Columnist
Economist, Ηistorian, Business Consultant and Co-founder of Institute for the Study of Local History and History of Enterprises
Founder and CEO of communication and advertising agency Hop On Communications
Columnist in digital magazines on pop culture, PhD candidate at the University of Athens
Journalist, PhD candidate at Panteion University
Specialist teacher in primary education
Journalist, member of ESPIT
Associate Lecturer at the Department of Greek Civilization Studies of the Hellenic Open University.
Special Scientist in the Department of Communication and Internet Studies at the Cyprus University of Technology